Let's show You how to effortlessly EXPORT your LinkEX trades
Considering You have hundreds of link trades in your LinkEX script its real pain to export them all by hand, isn't it?
What's the BIG Deal about exporting from LinkEX?
If you are familiar with the LinkEX script file structure, you know that it holds the linktrades information in plain text files inside a directory. The problem is that for each single linktrade it creates a new text file and holds the trade information in there. If you have for example 100 link trades, then you have 100 data files. That makes it impossible for an easy database dump or export, be it for backup purposes, for script migration or something else..
What's the Solution?
Due to a high number of requests of our multidomain link trade script Links Organizer users, We have created tiny and nifty little script that goes through all data files, reads them and export your link trades. You don't need any programming knowledge to use, nor you need to do any installs or customizations. We have made it that EASY, so that you simply upload one file to your LinkEX directory and launch it in your browser. Voilah, your link trades are printed on your screen, in exported format!

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